Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Can It Be?!

O Saviour, as my eyes behold
The wonders of Thy might untold,
The heav'ns in glorious light arrayed,
The vast creation Thou hast made—
And yet to think Thou lovest me—
My heart cries out, "How can it be?"

How can it be?
How can it be?
That God should love a soul like me,
O how can it be?

As at the cross I humbly bow
And gaze upon Thy thorn-crowned brow,
And view the precious bleeding form
By cruel nails so bruised and torn,
Knowing Thy suff'ring was for me,
In grief I cry, "How can it be?"

How can it be? How can it be?
Was ever grace so full and free!
From heights of bliss to depths of woe
In loving kindness Thou didst go,
From sin and shame to rescue me—
O Love Divine, How can it be?

How can it be?
How can it be?
That God should love a soul like me,
O how can it be?

I did NOTHING...NOTHING to deserve God's love. He went from glory to a world of sin...for me. To die for me. For my sickness of sin. For my lack of love for Him. For my lack of service. For my cold heart. For my dishonor to His name. For my everything. I was once plagued with the weight and horrible dread of my sin, but Jesus died to lift that burden and give me joy unspeakable. I'll never understand, I'll never fully grasp "How can it be?", but this one thing I do know, I don't deserve it, though He gives it. I have to do my best to repay what He has done for me, though I can never fully repay it. I will, until my dying day, praise my Jesus for His wonderful gift of true grace!

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