Sunday, March 8, 2009

Take the World

Take the world but give me Jesus
All it's joys are but a name
But His love abideth ever
Through eternal years the same

Oh the height and depth of mercy
Oh the length and bredth of love
Oh the fulness of redemtion
Pledge of endless live above

Take the world but give me Jesus
Sweetest comfort of my soul
With my Savior watching o're me
I can sing though billows roll

Take the world but give me Jesus
Let me view His constant smile
Then throughout my pilgrim journey
Light shall cheer me all the while

Oh the height and depth of mercy
Oh the length and bredth of love
Oh the fulness of redemtion
Pledge of endless live above

I don't want the world. All I want is Jesus. I've seen so many things break down, mold, die, etc. etc. etc. and it's all gone eventually. When someone dies, they can't take anything with them. What good then is all the wealth in the world? It's nothing. Take it all, but give me Jesus. I want Jesus, who lasts forever. Who never dies, fades away, breaks, fails, or leaves. He is always the same, always love, always faithful, always Jesus. Take it all, but please, just give me Jesus!

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