Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Pray for Laborers

I've been praying a lot lately that more young people will desire to serve God on the mission field. There is so much we've been given, why can't we ALL give it back to God? People are so passive and uncaring...or rather caring only about their own comfort. Our mission is to spread the gospel to the whole world for Christ's sake. I hate sin...and the fact that it makes people not care about the things of God anymore. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm faaaaaaaar from perfect in an sense of the word and I still mess up, fall down, and fail, but I'm growing a desire for GOd to use me, and it's ongoing. I want to pray for people to be lifted up and sent out to reap the harvest. The laborers are few...the Master asks us to go. We NEED to go.

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