Friday, December 19, 2008

Tears are passing

Well, today was the last day of student teaching. We had a party, I hugged all of my students goodbye, and gave them cards. They had all made cards for me yesterday, and they presented them to me today. I started to read one and had to stop because I had already started crying. I have yet to read them because I know I'm going to bawl! They also gave me gifts in sweet gestures of kindness. I'm surely going to miss them! I'm also going to miss my cooperating teacher. She taught me soooo much...more than a class could ever teach me. In actions and words. I learned so much this semester, and I'm grateful that God put her in my life and specially picked her to see me through my student teaching. I got an A! I was very happy because I knew I had done my very best, and I guess they thought it was A material.

All the praise, however, has to go to God. He's the heart and soul of what I do. Without Him, I would be lost in nervousness and stress, confused and frustrated. He keeps me calm, gives me joy (even when times aren't happy) and leaves me with no regrets. I love Him so much, and I'm so thankful for the strength that He gave me this semester and all the other semesters. I have one more road ahead of me before I'm done school, and I know He's going to get me down that one too. Holding me up, leading me, and loving me. Only through all the glory, praise, and thanks goes straight to Him.

I've been becoming more and more aware of how much more I need to SHOW GOd in what I do. I love Him, I talk to Him, I read His word, but most of it is in private. I don't join in with things I don't agree with, but I don't really speak up for my faith all that much unless prompted to. I need to show God on the outside more. That is one of the things I'm going to start really working on very hard. With God's help, I can.

Have a great day! God bless! Peace.

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