Monday, January 5, 2009

Day after Day after Day

I work. I get tired of this job. I get ungrateful. In the Biblio, Paul teaches us that we need to be content in whatever (yes folks, even an annoying job) situation we're in. Doesn't matter what it is...we're to have joy in our hearts and be content because God has us e-x-a-c-t-l-y right where He wants us. Who are we to tell God that His plan for our lives, no matter how small the detail, isn't correct or good enough? Simply put, we're not. My lesson for the day (or last 3 weeks) get over it, get into it, get joy.

I'm *hopefully* sending in my application for Korea tomorrow. God will get me where He wants me (see above paragraph.) Pray for the process.

Well, it's up early tomorrow so nighty night. Peace.

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