Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back Once Again

I'm home! Back in my little apartment. Being home was really great, but I'm glad to be back and get into a bit of a routine. School starts tomorrow...BIG sad face. BUT Amy reminded me yesterday that this is where God wants me...not in Korea, not in China, not in Antartica (hmm...), SOooo...that makes me wanna smile and do my very best in my last semester of school. God's been soooo good these last 3.5 years, and I know He can only get better! I'm gonna walk tall and proud to be where I am not, and he's going to walk with me. The battles are His, I give up the burdens and I share the smiles and happiness. Like the Apostle Paul, I have learned the secret of being content in whatever situation. Whether well fed or hungry, living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength and fills my heart with joy overflowing. Just try to get past that wall and make me discontent! HA! (thanks Amy!)

Sooo...I go to buy books tomorrow, and the first class I get to start with is Modern Chinese Culture...I love it.

I sent in my application to Korea! :D I'm so excited to find out if I get the job...I won't know until Feb. But, I gave it all to God, and whatever He wants to happen will. I love knowing that and not having to worry. He'll put me in the PERFECT place that He wants me. All I have to do is go!

Please pray for me that I can 1) do my best in all my classes and all I do 2) find a part time job to make a little extra $$ 3) stay content in wherever I am 4) make it to graduation with a 3.0 (at least 5) grow closer to my wonderful amazing God!

God bless!! Peace.

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