Monday, March 2, 2009

My Vision

A couple things have been weighing on my heart lately...PLEASE READ THE FIRST ONE!

1) A young man who knows the gospel but has yet to accept the free gift of salvation. He has not been redeemed, or bought back, from his sins by Christ. Worldly influence, namely family, are holding him back from accepting and knowing Christ, though he exhibits signs of desire and a decent understanding of what it is to be saved. Please pray with me as the Spirit leads you that this man will not wait any longer, but will accept Christ just as he is right now. My heart hurts when I think that this man could die right now and slip into eternity not knowing Christ. THis would mean hell, and I can't bear to think of this.

I was at a bonfire a few weeks ago, and I was roasting a hotdog. I was about 5 feet from the flames for only about 30 seconds when I started to feel too hot and I had to back away. It made me cry out to God even more for the salvation of this one soul, because I know that the flames of hell will be a million times worse that that fire, and they will be forever. And not only the flames, but the seperation from God...forever. Those in hell who don't know Christ as their Savior will cry out for help and a drop of water, but they will have had their chance.

Our sin seperates us from God in this life. Every little sin...even a thought. No one is perfect. Every single man is a sinner, and every single man or woman, in themself, do not meet the qualifications that God has set down to get into Heaven and to know Him.

Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

Because we can't meet these qualifications for holiness, we are bound to death. Physical death, spiritual death, seperation from God, and an eternity in Hell.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

BUT we can know God and meet his qualifications!! In order for our sins to be washed clean so that we can know God and have fellowship with Him and a personal relationship, God sent His Son, Jesus to die on a cross, which was one method of killing people back in Jesus' day. Jesus died and His blood can wash away sins and bring us into the family of God. But...this is only if we accept His gift of death and cleansing.

Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

If we realize that we have sinned, then repent and confess our sins and ask Jesus to use His blood to wash us clean of them. Then we must ask Him into our hearts to save us and live there so that we can know and have fellowship with Him.

Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Then he will gladly save us from the bondange of our sins and we can live lives pleasing to Him. One this is done, we are NEW creatures. We have given up the old life of slavery to sin and death, and we are now heirs. Heirs? We are God's "children" as He lovingly calls us. We have been adopted into His family. So, we are heirs of His wealth. He owns everything, and we will inherit that when we get to Heaven. We will get to see our God who saved us from a forever of pain and seperation in Hell and brought us to know Himself. TO know the amazing love of God that never ends. A friend who never fails. A provider whom we can rely on at all times. A protector. A comforter...and the list goes on! God is amazing.

I pray this will happen in the life of this young man and all who read this.

2) The future orphange I so strongly desire to start in China in the near future. I know this longing is of God. I've had it for a few years now, and so many things have brought my heart to this point. I want so badly to open this home where the fatherless can come and find the gospel, find love, find hope and faith. I want to show them everything I do towards them and others. In my actions as well as my words. I want them to have the opportunity to learn and grow and experience and be loved so when they grow up and leave they can turn around and impact others and make something of themselves.

My vision for my future orphanage called House of Faith:

The desire of this house is to be a "father to the fatherless" by providing abandoned children with a home where they can know their Father's love. A place where they can learn, both academically and in their heart, and grow strong, both physically and in the knowledge of their Father. And in doing so, they can leave equipped with the understanding, wisdom, and courage to help others who are Fatherless.

I believe with all my heart and my faith that is being strengthened every day that God can and will work through me in the way He sees fit. He already has a plan for my life, and I've already given myself wholly to be used for whatever purpose He wills. The desire for this orphanage, I strongly believe, has been put in my heart by God. And so, whether He is preparing me for this, or something else, I will gladly and joyfully follow Him anywhere.

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