Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Beauty

I might have written on this before...but have you ever thought of a sunrise or sunset? The they serve a purpose? The sun brings the light, but what do the colors do?

This morning I woke up, looked out the window to see what the weather was like so I could dress accordingly, and I was amazed at what I saw! It was so beautiful! I jumped out of bed, grabbed my camera, and dashed out onto the balcony to take pictures. I don't have the best view because there are house tops and power lines in the way, but you

I haven't yet found any real reason for the gorgeous colors in a sunrise or sunset, except this: to be pleasing to our eyes. God is such a beautiful God. It's evident all around us. Just look at His creation! The colors in the sky are just there for us to be able to say, "What a beautiful Creator we have, and what a wonderful God we serve." God is so good, and gives good gifts to His children. Unfortunately, I know I don't always stop to admire the beauty of each sun rise and set. Take a look next time. You'll be amazed.

get the idea.

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