Friday, March 20, 2009



God, I ask why?
My human heart can't understand!
But I have confidence in you
I know that by your grace
I'm safe in your mighty hand

God, I ask where?
My feet don't know where they should go!
But I have confidence in you
That you will lead me where
Your perfect will has called me to

God, I ask how?
My mortal strength is gone, I'm weak!
But I have confidence in you
That you will give to me
From your hand all the strength I need

God, I ask what?
I do not have the words to speak!
But I have confidence in you
That you will speak through me
And that my tongue your grace will lead

God, I say yes!
Just send me where you need me now
For I have confidence in you
That if I give my life
You will use this sinner some how


The power of prayer, I know it well
I see God's love at work in me
Though others doubt, in God I trust
I'll live this life upon my knees

It's pressing on when people fail
And waves arise and break on me
It's lifting up my voice to God
It's living life upon my knees

The power of prayer, to win the lost
To open blinded eyes to see
It's God who hears my earnest pleas
When I live life upon my knees

And when I reach that glorious shore
My Savior's face I'll finally see
I'll praise His name forever more
Before His throne upon my knees

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Death Is

I just finished reading about John and Betty Stam, and of course I cried. THeir life was so short, but so passionate and they just really persevered. It's like...we shouldn't ask God to prolong our life here on earth so we can have more time to tell people about Him and see people saved, but rather we should beg Him to use what little time we have in a spectacular way. I WANT to go to Heaven, but I also want to stay here, but I know that no matter what happens, it'll be just right and perfect.

Death is precious life eternal

Free from sin and guilt and fear

Death is seeing Jesus' glory

Knowing He's forever near

Death is casting off our sorrow

And then taking up our crowns

Death is worshiping forever

As we lay our burdens down

Death is home, our place in Heaven

And a new name all our own

Death is seeing God exalted

Lifted high upon His throne

Death is saints who've gone before us

That we'll meet on streets of gold

Death is singing praise to Jesus

As His radiance we behold

Death is nothing save amazing

For we'll see our King of Grace

No, I have no fear of dying

When I've bravely run this race

As the sin on earth surrounds me

And I long for Heaven above I will wait for that great moment

When death brings me home to love

I Pray for Laborers

I've been praying a lot lately that more young people will desire to serve God on the mission field. There is so much we've been given, why can't we ALL give it back to God? People are so passive and uncaring...or rather caring only about their own comfort. Our mission is to spread the gospel to the whole world for Christ's sake. I hate sin...and the fact that it makes people not care about the things of God anymore. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm faaaaaaaar from perfect in an sense of the word and I still mess up, fall down, and fail, but I'm growing a desire for GOd to use me, and it's ongoing. I want to pray for people to be lifted up and sent out to reap the harvest. The laborers are few...the Master asks us to go. We NEED to go.

In the Land of Fadeless Day

Here's a song that I've really come to love. It's an old, beautiful hymn that really speaks to my heart. I can't wait to go to this place where there is no night. Where God is, and I can praise Him forever without end.

In the land of fadeless day
Lies the city four-square;
It shall never pass away,
And there is no night there.

God shall wipe away all tears;
There's no death, no pain, nor fears;
And they count not time by years;
For there is no night there.

All the gates of pearl are made
In the city four-square;
All the streets with gold are laid,
And there is no night there.

And the gates shall never close
To the city four-square;
There life's crystal river flows,
And there is no night there.

There they need no sunshine bright,
In that city four-square;
For the Lamb is all the light,
And there is no night there.

What a beautiful description that can't even begin to describe Heaven's glory! I honestly can only imagine and then times my imaginations by infinity because that's how beautiful Heaven will be! I'm not afraid of death for Christ's sake. Pain will be temporary and nothing can compare to the glory that waits.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Three P's

I’ve been reading a bunch of missionary biographies in the last few weeks. I’m doing this because I want to study the ways of those servants of God who gave their all for Him and we used in mighty ways. Why did they do it, how did they do it, what did they do, and what did God do? I’ve read 7 at this point, and my goal is 30. So far I’ve noticed three P’s. I honestly didn’t have to think about these to make them all start with the same letter, but they really were what I noticed. I wanted to expand on them for my own sake because I’m really trying to learn from these warriors how to live a life of faith and service to God. I might not be the next Mary Slessor or George Muller, but I can have a mindset and heart like they did. My goal isn’t to become world famous and have books written about me, but my goal is to win souls to Christ and to spread the gospel across the world, all of this with God’s help. I want to be a servant who is totally willing to do her Master’s will. I want to be a worker who does everything with all her might for God and no anyone else. I want to be the person is spends and is spent all for Jesus. I want to let God use me however He sees fit, wherever, whenever, and with whom ever. Just to be used by God is my greatest goal next to loving Him. The three P’s:

Prayer was a theme that was woven throughout all of the missionary biographies I have read. The power of prayer was evident by God’s working through these missionaries to reach people for Christ, bring in resources, money, and food, and overcome barriers such as language, culture, and physical needs. These people who dedicated their lives to God would not have been successful in their prayer lives had they not held, in an unwavering way, to their faith that God can move mountains and break down any walls as He sees the need. 1 John 5:14-15 reads "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him.” Prayer works, it is effective, and this was proven literally countless times through these prayer warriors. They went through life on their knees, spending sometimes hours a day begging God for the salvation of souls that were bound to sin’s death, for basic every day needs like food and clothing and building supplies, and for mountains that seemed too high to climb like language barriers, cannibalism, terrain, government, and many other horrific sins. And what did we see happen because of this? They were always provided for, many people became children of God, and countless walls were broken down, some that seemed too strong and high. James 5:16 states “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” God hears, and God works through those who are willing to daily give life’s struggles and burdens over to Him so that He can carry out His perfect plan. These missionaries did not rely on themselves or those around them, but they solely and confidently relied on God alone to get them through every day. They relied on Lamentations 3:23’s mercies that are new every morning and 2 Corinthians 12:9’s grace that is sufficient and power that is made perfect in weakness and Psalm 73:26’s strength of God when our flesh is weak. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” This life of prayer was consistently lived out by these missionaries. They were not perfect people by any stretch of the imagination, but instead, they let God use their sinful weaknesses to show His power, glory, might, and will through them. They had nothing going for them except to trust in God and give their lives daily to Him so He could use them.

Passion drove these humble spreaders of God’s word. The passion of living life completely for God and nothing else, the passion of seeing lost souls won from the grip of hell, the passion of relying on God for everything, the passion of going wherever He wanted them to go, and the passion of working for the ultimate goal of a crown in Heaven and their precious Jesus saying “Well done good and faithful servant.” Romans 12:11 commands believers to be “fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” If you look at people such as Paul and Stephen and many other preachers and martyrs of the New Testament, you see that they were so passionate about doing God’s work that they endured shipwrecks, stoning, jail, persecution, and in many case, death. They didn’t have a love for the world, but a passion for God. They didn’t care what people thought of them in respect to worldly things, but they cared only about getting the message of Jesus’ death and love to a dying world. Psalm 126:5-6 says “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." I’m sure that these missionaries, both in the distant past and in the present, wept over the lost souls begging God to save those who were dying and going to hell every day without knowing God and the eternal life that they could have. They were passionate about these things, and they did reap the harvest of souls in joy. Psalm 97:10a says “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil…” These people hated evil and sin that trapped and cocooned the world, and they desired nothing more than to see God lifted up and the sin thrown away and crushed by the power of God. God used their passion for Him and things of His word to work in mighty ways in hearts all over the world. If these missionaries had not had this undying passion for God and souls, they would have done their work half heartedly and would have possibly given up when times got hard. But they cared little of other things except their passion for God.

Perseverance was the third common trait that I noticed in these missionaries. They were lifers. Once they realized their goal in life, to serve God, they kept going until their dying day. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12. These people did rejoice in hope. They loved Christ’s appearing, and they never took their eyes off of Jesus and Heaven. They knew what was ahead for the servant who gave it all for God, and this was their hope. All of the missionaries I read about faced the same thing: persecution. It came in so many ways, and no matter what, they all had the same outcome. They just persevered for the sake of the gospel, for the will of God, for the love of their Jesus, for the hope of glory, and for the salvation of souls. They didn’t have fancy, easy lives. Usually they lived with minimal comforts, and they adopted the culture and ways of living on whatever mission field they went to. They were very patient in suffering. And, as I wrote about before, they did persevere in prayer. God knew everything that they would ask before they asked it, but He still loved their fellowship with Him. Prayer was not a ritual or drudgery, but rather a special, intimate time talking with their Father and giving up burden and heartache and troubles onto His much stronger shoulders. Prayer was a beautiful communion between a Father and His child, and it was cherished. Romans 8:25 says “for we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” They couldn’t see Jesus and Heaven yet, but they had the promise and they clung to the hope. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8. This is the verse that these missionaries lived. They did fall down, sin, and fail, but they got back up, put on the Lord’s armor, and fought the good fight against sin and death, and for life and peace. They were courageous soldiers for Christ who knew that their commander, Jesus, had already won the victory. They kept pushing on in this fight until they won as they passed from this life into glory. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” This was the reason that they persevered: for the kingdom of God. For furthering it and for entering it. They did not shy away from the greatness of the number of unreached people or the trials and would be ahead, but they pressed on. “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14-15. Their eyes were on Jesus and the prize, on Heaven’s shore where they would finally see Jesus, be perfect, and rest forever. They persevered for God’s sake. They were passionate for God’s sake. They prayed to God for the sake of the world.

A lot of people don’t think it’s necessary to go to other parts of the world to reach the lost because workers and people are needed right where they are to carry the load and reach out to the lost. This is true, but how many people have heard the gospel, especially in America, as opposed to some parts of the world that have literally never even heard the name of Jesus? There are many places, I’m sure. More workers are needed in the rest of the world that will go and reap the harvest of souls. They’re ready, and God is looking for people who will devote themselves to prayer, passion, and perseverance for the cause of Christ and the cross. So, maybe we won’t all be missionaries, but anyone can have this mindset wherever they are. God has also given us a job to do right where He has put us, no matter how small. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24. God is looking for our best wherever we are. He chose to use these missionaries in great ways all over the world, but a small work in a small town by an unknown person is just as important to God. Whether we’re a missionary or a worker where we are, we’re doing it for God. TO bring Him glory and to see souls saved should be our greatest joy. WE might not always see the results here, but we will in Heaven when He says, “Well done,” which I personally cannot wait to hear.

Lord, use me however you will. I give myself, my life, my wants, my hopes, my dreams, and all of my heart to you to do with what you see fit. Send me and I will go. Ask me and I will do it. Help me and I will thank you. Bless me and I will praise you. Bring me trials and I will praise you. Let me life be pleasing to you and let it be used to reach many people for your kingdom. Let me hold nothing back, but let me move ahead on my knees and in confidence that you who have begun a good work in me will continue it until I reach Heaven.

The First Thing I Will See

When I step on Heaven's shore and see the golden streets
The beauty of the place that God has made for me
I will run into my mansion and I'll try on my crown
But before I start my new life the first thing I will see

Is Jesus seated on His throne
Surrounded by the saints of old in glory
Jesus, I'll stop and sing my praise
With joy I'll raise my hands to Him
And thank Him for salvation
And His grace

I will see the ones I loved who saw their Jesus first
And we'll talk about our Savior and worship at His feet
There will be so much I want to do for I have unending days
But before I start my new life the first thing I will see

Is Jesus seated on His throne
Surrounded by the saints of old in glory
Jesus, I'll stop and sing my praise
With joy I'll raise my hands to Him
And thank Him for salvation
And His grace

I can't wait to get to Heaven! I want to see look at His beautiful face and open my mouth and just praise Him. Thank Him. Glorify Him in my perfect body with my new name. For His grace, for His mercy, for His sacrifice, for His unending, undying, over the top, amazing wonderful love! THat day can't come soon enough. God give me grace to serve you faithfully while I'm here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It Is Not Death to Die

It is not Death to die,
to leave this weary road,
and join the saints who dwell on high,
who've found their home with God.
It is not death to close
the eyes long dimmed by tears,
and wake in joy before your throne,
delivered from our fears.

O Jesus, conquering the grave,
your precious blood has power to save.
Those who trust in you will in your mercy find
that it is not death to die.

It is not death to fling aside this earthly dust,
and rise with strong and noble wing to live among the just.
It is not death to hear the key unlock the door
that sets us free from mortal yearsto praise forever more.

O Jesus, conquering the grave,
your precious blood has power to save.
Those who trust in you will in your mercy find
that it is not death to die.

A Good Word

Why is it so easy for us to seek the praise of men? To work for men. To try for men. To live for the approval of those around us.

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Sometimes I forget and take my eyes off the prize. But really, the only person I'm trying to please is God. Even if I never receive thanks or praise for doing something small over and over and over and's ok. Because the only thing I'm working for is "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful...enter into the joy of the Lord." Even if I face ridicule, it's ok. I don't need men's approval or thanks or praise or anything. I'm supposed to be brought low, humbled, and needy so God can be lifted up, exalted, and be shown wealthy. The King of all. I don't need anything but HIm, and I don't need anything from men.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here at Your Throne

Here at your throne I find my peace
Your precious blood has covered me
I am your child you bid me come
Now I can rest me in your love
Your joys you pour upon my soul
I have no fear for you’re my Lord
For all my days I’ll praise you name
You took my sin, my curse, my blame

Amazing God, to you I sing
I give my heart, my life I bring
I am complete, this grace you’ve shown
I find it full here at your throne

Here at your throne I lay my prize
The crown I cast with upturned eyes
I gaze in wonder at your face
And smile at your unending grace
This life with you will never cease
In you my soul is whole, complete
I have a name that’s new and sweet
You speak it as yours I repeat

Amazing God, to you I sing
I give my heart, my life I bring
I am complete, this grace you’ve shown
I find it full here at your throne

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I have

The new song I wrote...some of them have half made up melodies in my head, but yeah.

I have a shelter in my Lord whose voice can churn or calm the sea
He is my light when darkness falls my Lord’s a tower over me
I have no fear when faced with trials I know in Him I am secure
And when the mountain looms ahead with Christ its’ conquering is sure

I have a comfort in my God who lifts me up when I fall down
He gives a song to calm my heart and gives a smile to cure my frown
No man can move me from His love or pull me from His strong embrace
Upon the Rock I will be strong though every tempting foe I face

I have salvation through His name that gives me life forever more
Nothing can pluck me from His hand for I’ll reach Heaven’s glorious shore
And when I stand before His throne I’ll raise my hands with saints of old
We’ll sing His praise forever more before His throne on streets of gold

Monday, March 9, 2009

Two New Songs

Here are two new songs I wrote yesterday and today. God is filling me with Himself, and I love it!

Savior, Friend

Once I was lost and dead in sin, but Jesus found me through His grace
I’m now a child, and heir of Christ, and in His family I’ve a place
My name is written in His book, I’m bound for Heaven and for life
And with this life that I have found, my perfect joy can none erase

Oh how I love my Savior, Friend
And how I thank Him for His death
Because He loved and bought my soul
I’ll thank Him till my dying breath

God is my strength for every day, my comfort, refuge, and my guide
And when the valley seems too long, He walks before me and beside
I cannot fear while He is there, He calms my heart and gives me hope
So when the darkness covers me my Jesus is my perfect light

Oh how love my Savior, Friend
And how I trust His perfect will
Where He will lead me I will go
And in each trial I’ll trust Him still

Death cannot taunt my faith or peace. I know I’m bound for Heaven’s shore
Where I will live with my dear King and praise His name forever more
So when I leave this earth behind and fly to meet Him in the air
I’ll shout with joy “Amazing grace!” and then my love on Him I’ll pour

Oh how I love my Savior, Friend
And how I glory in His grace
When He will call me I will go
To home, a perfect resting place

Tell the Cross

Every day the lost and dying are around us
And they've never head the precious name of Christ
Since we have the saving truth of God inside us
Let us shout to all that they too may have life

Christians tells the world that is lost and dying
May we feel the fire and open up our eyes
Jesus died to save his children from the darkness
Go and tell the cross before one more lost soul dies

Lord, our hearts are grateful for you have redeemed us
We believe your word has power over sin
As we speak your name we give you back the glory
We rejoice in every dying one you win

We will see the fruit when God calls us to glory
And we'll see our Jesus smile ans say "Well done"
So let us run the race and reach the lost around us
Until all have heard the cross the victory has won

Christians tells the world that is lost and dying
May we feel the fire and open up our eyes
Jesus died to save his children from the darkness
Go and tell the cross before one more lost soul dies

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Take the World

Take the world but give me Jesus
All it's joys are but a name
But His love abideth ever
Through eternal years the same

Oh the height and depth of mercy
Oh the length and bredth of love
Oh the fulness of redemtion
Pledge of endless live above

Take the world but give me Jesus
Sweetest comfort of my soul
With my Savior watching o're me
I can sing though billows roll

Take the world but give me Jesus
Let me view His constant smile
Then throughout my pilgrim journey
Light shall cheer me all the while

Oh the height and depth of mercy
Oh the length and bredth of love
Oh the fulness of redemtion
Pledge of endless live above

I don't want the world. All I want is Jesus. I've seen so many things break down, mold, die, etc. etc. etc. and it's all gone eventually. When someone dies, they can't take anything with them. What good then is all the wealth in the world? It's nothing. Take it all, but give me Jesus. I want Jesus, who lasts forever. Who never dies, fades away, breaks, fails, or leaves. He is always the same, always love, always faithful, always Jesus. Take it all, but please, just give me Jesus!

The Beauty

I might have written on this before...but have you ever thought of a sunrise or sunset? The they serve a purpose? The sun brings the light, but what do the colors do?

This morning I woke up, looked out the window to see what the weather was like so I could dress accordingly, and I was amazed at what I saw! It was so beautiful! I jumped out of bed, grabbed my camera, and dashed out onto the balcony to take pictures. I don't have the best view because there are house tops and power lines in the way, but you

I haven't yet found any real reason for the gorgeous colors in a sunrise or sunset, except this: to be pleasing to our eyes. God is such a beautiful God. It's evident all around us. Just look at His creation! The colors in the sky are just there for us to be able to say, "What a beautiful Creator we have, and what a wonderful God we serve." God is so good, and gives good gifts to His children. Unfortunately, I know I don't always stop to admire the beauty of each sun rise and set. Take a look next time. You'll be amazed.

get the idea.

Sacrifice of Mercy

Another one I wrote

Oh the beauty of a place called Calvary
A more perfect love has not been shown
So every soul through the ages might be free
The King left His Father and His throne

With the price of your life you bought me from my sin
When your compassionate heart heard my dying plea
And now as I fall on my face before your cross
I can only thank you for your sacrifice of mercy

For eternity I’ll shout unending praise
With saints that will gather at your feet
We will join all our voices in a perfect song
When your work of salvation is complete

Because of your matchless grace I did not deserve
A home up in glory you’re preparing for me
And then when I fall on my face before your throne
I’ll forever thank you for your sacrifice of mercy

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I read a great quote from a book about the missionary C.T. Studd.

"Some wish to live within the sound
Of a church or chapel bell.
I want to run a rescue shop
Within a yard of hell."

I want the hard hitting, near the flames, crying out and pleading, rescue the dying, head over heals love for Jesus, total faith, trial soaked, nothing witheld kind of life. Somethat that I can lay at Jesus feet and He can say "Well done good and faithful servant." Something that I know I didn't just barely get by, but I gave every tiny bit of me to be spent by Jesus who so willingly gave Himself for me.

"You can trust God too little, but you cannot trust Him too much."

Your Grace Still Amazes Me

Here's one I wrote

Jesus hung there upon the cross
So cruel the nails, the agony
His final breath the victory
And He had died for me

But this death could not keep my King
And the grave had no power, so he
Arose and conquered death for me
Now I can only sing

Your grace still amazes me
The cross, oh how can it be?
I’m unworthy to be spotless, clean
Yet you died to set me free

I give my life for Christ to use
I’ll tell of His amazing grace
And when I rest in that Heav’nly place
Still I’ll sing in His embrace

Your grace still amazes me
The cross, oh how can it be?
I’m unworthy to be spotless, clean
Yet you died to set me free

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

While I'm Waiting

What am I waiting for? To be done with school and head to Korea? To start my orphanage?

Why am I waiting to serve God?

I've been learning in the last while that I can't wait...I can't stop serving God even where I am. He's put me in the exact place that I'm in, and I HAVE to do things to redeem the time while I'm right where I am.

I guess I would consider it waiting because this part of my life if quite slow and I am waiting for God to put me somewhere else when He will, but that doesn't mean that my service to my Master has to be slow. I have to be reaching out to people, helping, encouraging, showing love, working hard at everything I do and doing it for God, telling people of Christ's love and salvation, and the list goes on and on. Just because I feel like I'm waiting for the next step in my life, doesn't mean I can stop and just stare. I have to keep working, keep pressing on, keep running, keep striving for the finish line and the crown.

I will not wait. I will give my all right here, right now, at all times.

While I'm waiting, I will serve you.
While I'm waiting, I will worship you.
I will not faint, I will run the race
While I wait.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our Focus

Colossians 3:1 "Seek the things that are above."

God, Heaven, holiness, purity, righteousness, etc. should be our focus. We should "set our mind on things above and not on things of the world." Because we are new creatures in Christ, becoming like Him should be our focus and desire. It should spill from our hearts because of our undying love to Him.

"In perfect love Jesus chose to die, and so may our love for Him never die."

Monday, March 2, 2009


This is my desktop background! :)

I've Been...

Reading my Bible lately, and I can't put it down!! Simply put, it's amazing...but that doesn't begin to describe it! I just read and read and find new things all the time that I never knew were there. And then when I come to a temptation or situation, I recall verses, and it's like the Lord speaks to me. I just get it...I understand the importance of spending time with God. I can't let it slip from my grasp!

My Vision

A couple things have been weighing on my heart lately...PLEASE READ THE FIRST ONE!

1) A young man who knows the gospel but has yet to accept the free gift of salvation. He has not been redeemed, or bought back, from his sins by Christ. Worldly influence, namely family, are holding him back from accepting and knowing Christ, though he exhibits signs of desire and a decent understanding of what it is to be saved. Please pray with me as the Spirit leads you that this man will not wait any longer, but will accept Christ just as he is right now. My heart hurts when I think that this man could die right now and slip into eternity not knowing Christ. THis would mean hell, and I can't bear to think of this.

I was at a bonfire a few weeks ago, and I was roasting a hotdog. I was about 5 feet from the flames for only about 30 seconds when I started to feel too hot and I had to back away. It made me cry out to God even more for the salvation of this one soul, because I know that the flames of hell will be a million times worse that that fire, and they will be forever. And not only the flames, but the seperation from God...forever. Those in hell who don't know Christ as their Savior will cry out for help and a drop of water, but they will have had their chance.

Our sin seperates us from God in this life. Every little sin...even a thought. No one is perfect. Every single man is a sinner, and every single man or woman, in themself, do not meet the qualifications that God has set down to get into Heaven and to know Him.

Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

Because we can't meet these qualifications for holiness, we are bound to death. Physical death, spiritual death, seperation from God, and an eternity in Hell.

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

BUT we can know God and meet his qualifications!! In order for our sins to be washed clean so that we can know God and have fellowship with Him and a personal relationship, God sent His Son, Jesus to die on a cross, which was one method of killing people back in Jesus' day. Jesus died and His blood can wash away sins and bring us into the family of God. But...this is only if we accept His gift of death and cleansing.

Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

If we realize that we have sinned, then repent and confess our sins and ask Jesus to use His blood to wash us clean of them. Then we must ask Him into our hearts to save us and live there so that we can know and have fellowship with Him.

Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Then he will gladly save us from the bondange of our sins and we can live lives pleasing to Him. One this is done, we are NEW creatures. We have given up the old life of slavery to sin and death, and we are now heirs. Heirs? We are God's "children" as He lovingly calls us. We have been adopted into His family. So, we are heirs of His wealth. He owns everything, and we will inherit that when we get to Heaven. We will get to see our God who saved us from a forever of pain and seperation in Hell and brought us to know Himself. TO know the amazing love of God that never ends. A friend who never fails. A provider whom we can rely on at all times. A protector. A comforter...and the list goes on! God is amazing.

I pray this will happen in the life of this young man and all who read this.

2) The future orphange I so strongly desire to start in China in the near future. I know this longing is of God. I've had it for a few years now, and so many things have brought my heart to this point. I want so badly to open this home where the fatherless can come and find the gospel, find love, find hope and faith. I want to show them everything I do towards them and others. In my actions as well as my words. I want them to have the opportunity to learn and grow and experience and be loved so when they grow up and leave they can turn around and impact others and make something of themselves.

My vision for my future orphanage called House of Faith:

The desire of this house is to be a "father to the fatherless" by providing abandoned children with a home where they can know their Father's love. A place where they can learn, both academically and in their heart, and grow strong, both physically and in the knowledge of their Father. And in doing so, they can leave equipped with the understanding, wisdom, and courage to help others who are Fatherless.

I believe with all my heart and my faith that is being strengthened every day that God can and will work through me in the way He sees fit. He already has a plan for my life, and I've already given myself wholly to be used for whatever purpose He wills. The desire for this orphanage, I strongly believe, has been put in my heart by God. And so, whether He is preparing me for this, or something else, I will gladly and joyfully follow Him anywhere.