Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Show Me Something Great

Well, Saturday night I slept on a 2 seater couch because someone else slept in my bed. We had company over. That couch made for a very eventful sleep, as you can imagine. Or rather, a lack of sleep. I didn't actually fall asleep until about 3:30 or 4. So, what do I do when I can't sleep? I pray. So, I did. I prayed for everything I could think of. Then I prayed for me. I knew it was church the next day, and I wanted to get a special message from God just for me. I wanted to learn something new or be reminded of something that applies to my life specifically. Well, the pastor spoke about inviting God to take your problems and that we have to ask God and not just expect Him to do it (that was sort of the idea.) Well, the pastor said something along the lines of:

Some of you might have financial troubles, or physical difficulties, or academic problems. You might have a class that you say, "I just can't do this!" Well, you're right. You can't. But God can. You have to allow Him to take that class and be your strength.

Well, here I am stressing big time over student teaching, and I'm not listening to my own advice. Well, God did it. He spoke to me specifically. I'm sure there were other people there who needed it too, but I was thrilled.

In the evening service at a different church, the pastor was giving background about one of Daniel's visions (about the ram and goat.) He was talking (brief overview) about all the kingdoms that fell. But God's doesn't. God is always in control of everything, and He rules fully. That was a comfort to me too.

All in all, God is in control. He knows what's happening, and He has everything in His hand. That's something great.

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